This page is made for LED bulbs based on the chip called SM2082. Other devices will need to be manually calculated (if a specific wattage is desired).
This page is also useful for those who want to make the light based on this IC.
Current for all LEDs: 0.6 / R where 0.6 is a Vref
Wattage: Mains Peak Voltage (120V = 170V, 240V = 340V) * I
Example: 0.6 / 24 = 0.025A, 340 * 0.025 = 8.5W
1W: 200 ohms
2W: 100 ohms
3W: 68 ohms
4W: 50 ohms
5W: 40 ohms
Image from Big Clive.
Before modification: 0 Watts
After modification: 0 Watts (R1 removed) or 0 Watts (R2 removed)